Business is about people. It’s not only about entrepreneurs and their employees, but also about the inhabitants of the cities where companies operate and make their investments. Gdańsk Economic Development Foundation promotes the development of a common space for communication between economic growth of the city and the needs of the local community. Bringing business professionals and local residents together, coming up with initiatives designed for Gdańsk inhabitants, supporting local schemes and programs dedicated to struggle with the social exclusion, as well as participating in environmental actions – these are the main priorities of our Foundation.
Explore our CSR initiatives

Education for Business, Business for Education
The “Education for Business” program supports measures taken in the public interest in regards to education and local development. It is an attempt to expand the courses and trainings offered by local institutions, schools and universities to include the requirements of the contemporary labor market. Gdańsk Economic Development Foundation promotes also the development and adjustment of school curricula to keep them in line with the current market requirements. We create vocational training classes supported by specific employers as well as organize courses and trainings for employees. The formula of the program includes meetings and conferences as well as academic cooperation and exchange.

Responsible business
Foundation promotes sustainable economic growth of the region, implemented in line with the needs of the local community and the natural environment. As part of its statutory activity Foundation supports cultural institutions in their initiatives aimed at facilitating access to culture and promoting the need to participate in cultural events. Foundation supports environmental activities, which include workshops aimed at building environmental awareness and initiatives organized by institutions focusing on protecting wildlife and natural environment. We support local shelters that take care of abandoned animals.

Charity activities
Foundation focuses on social inclusion and the professional activation of marginalized people. It combats discrimination and promotes the culture of national minorities. As part of charity obligations, Foundation supports children’s homes in Gdańsk, associations that engage people with various disabilities and provides help with the treatment of patients who do not qualify for the reimbursement of medical expenses.

Foundation Board
Alicja Skonieczna
President of the Board
Iwona Stawicka
Vice-President of the Board
Foundation Council
Anna Łuszczak
Chairman of the Council
Adam Nieroda
Deputy Chairman of the Council
Anna Olesiuk-Bielawa
Katarzyna Janiszewska
Maciej Matla
Members of the Council